Pebbles going for 2010 haul out record
Sep/16/10 09:30 PM

It’s no surprise that Pebbles hauled out yet again early this morning - six days in a row now. He seems to have found safe haven. Photos of Pebbles’ teeth as he yawned show that all have erupted, but some are quite tiny. This leads the WDFW biologist to believe that he (or she - you can’t tell the sex of a seal pup without a physical examination) is perhaps as young as 3 weeks old. We are not able to confirm whether Pebbles has been weaned early, but is foraging successfully or, if indeed, there is a mom out there who comes for him at the end of a very long day. Thankfully, the summer season and crowds have waned so as not to deter a returning mother. An unusual number of pups were born prematurely and abandoned or weaned too early this season. Biologists are trying to determine the reasons why. Whatever the circumstance with Pebbles, he is doing just great and returned to Elliott Bay around 3:30 as a heavy rain soaked volunteers. Thanks to Alki Kayak Tours for setting up a tent for us this afternoon!