Busy early seal pup season in West Seattle

This morning, a Seal Sitters volunteer out for a walk discovered a seal pup resting between two logs at Constellation Park along Beach Drive, a frequent location for illegally off leash dogs. He quickly notified our hotline. The pup was alert and dry and had apparently been on shore for some time - and, thankfully, not quite as thin as the other pups we’ve had so far in our 2012 pupping season.

Our volunteers didn’t get much time to observe and evaluate the pup’s health. Nicknamed Olive, the pup moved quite briskly to the water’s edge after a car door slammed on the street above her (or him - one can’t tell the sex of a seal pup without a stressful exam), lingered for a few minutes and swam off into the Sound. After reviewing our photographs, it appears the pup might possibly have had some wounds, but it is encouraging that she did not seem impaired. Please keep alert for Olive as you walk the beaches so that we might do a better health assessment if she “hauls out” again. Should you spot her, please keep your distance and call the hotline at 206-905-7325 (SEAL).

This is the most August pups we have had since 2007 and may be an indication of another record breaking year ahead for seal pups in West Seattle.




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